Monday, December 17, 2012




Saturday, December 15, 2012






Dalam Video ini adalah semacam overview bilamana anda berencana menjadi seorang Engineer 


Saya akan coba share mengenai apa saja yang merupakan job description dari pekerjaan pipeline engineer yang saya peroleh dari  web.
Dan anda pun bisa berkunjung ke website tersebut karena banyak informasi yang menarik seputar dunia kerja baik itu di engineering atau di bidang lainnya.

Tapi saya akan coba membahasnya di item yang paling bawah, istilahnya itu menstranlate dengan tata bahasa yang saya pakai, berhubung Bahasa Inggris saya masih tahap pembelajaran. Tapi belum tahu apa bisa sekarang atau nanti pada saat saya sedang ada mood untuk membahasnya dalam bahasa Indonesia.


Engineering specialities include chemical, civil and electrical engineering. A career as a pipeline engineer provides engineering students with another engineering career choice. These professionals assist with transferring natural resources and work with science and safety specialists.

Duties & Responsibilities :
Pipeline engineers work irregular hours and find employment opportunities in oil companies and pipeline consulting firms. A pipeline engineer provides specialized engineering services. This professional helps with oil and gas product transportation such as natural gas. One duty involves tracking how products flow through a pipeline, including a waste-water treatment pipeline.
Additional basic duties include meeting and discussing transportation routes, creating structural drawings and delegating pipeline assignments to junior workers. As parts of the pipeline project is completed, a pipeline engineer revisits the job site and performs safety checks.

Basic Qualification to become pipeline engineer :
According to a June 2010 report on diploma guide education and career site, potential students researching the field of pipeline engineering must understand engineering principles, design and construction.
The same June 2010 report shows employers hiring applicants who have obtained engineering degree. These applicants complete a bachelor's of science degree in structural, chemical or mechanical engineering. Engineering students complete science and math courses such as general chemistry and calculus.

Additional Qualifications if you like to improve :
Students who finish pipeline engineering internship may face less competition. An engineering internship provides students with experience for performing independent research, completing scientific reports and interacting with engineering personnel.
Some employers prefer applicants with project management experience. The project management experience involves developing plans for pipeline projects and monitoring a project's progression.
Students need to learn the state engineering requirements for potential employers, since some employers or states require a license or certification.

Work Environment 
Pipeline engineers spend time indoors such as meeting with clients or construction professionals. Some assignments require acceptance of short-term relocation assignments.
According to a June 2010 report on Careers in Oil and Gas site, these professionals work non-traditional work hours and face safety issues such as exposure to toxins.
The work environment include oil and gas companies, private companies and pipeline contractors. Some employers offer full-time employment to former engineering interns.

Salary/ Pitty / Wanni Piro???
Students who enjoy math and science can choose a career as a pipeline engineer for its salary potential. According to a June 2010 report on Simply Hired job site, pipeline engineers in Alaska earn an average annual salary of $82,000. The same June report shows the national average annual salary of $73,000.
These average annual salary figures differ based on geographical location, education and experience. For example, the report shows the national average annual salary for engineers of $68,000.

Sumber /Source :
Anda baca dulu dalam bahasa Inggris seperti yang tertuang diatas agar anda bisa menambah wawasan di bidang penguasaan bahasa Inggris agar tidak seperti saya yang masih minim dalam penguasaan bahasa Inggris. 

Survey salary diatas hanya terjadi pada tahun 2010, kalau untuk di Australia kalau mau standard gajinya coba aja check di simple

Canberra, 16 December 2012


Masih tergiang di telinga kita apa itu pipeline dan apa yang membedakannya dengan piping. Sebenarnya pipeline ialah piping tapi kadang orang banyak mengistilahkan bahwa piping itu ON PLOT sedangkan pipeline itu OFF PLOT. Juga pipeline merupakan sarana transportasi baik gas maupun fluida lainnya dari suatu tempat ke tempat lainnya dengan jarak puluhan kilometer. Sedangkan kalau piping adalah suatu bejana sarana yang menyalurkan dan mentransportasikan gas maupun fluida dari suatu equipment ke equipment lainnya. Dan jaraknya pun pendek-pendek minimal 10 cm. sedangkan pipeline minimal 5 KM.

Pipeline biasanya dipasang di undergroud sedangkan piping dipasang di abovegroup. Kenapa demikian karena berhubungan dengan masalah biaya dan lain-lain. Sedangkan kalau piping dipasang di above ground karena itulah tadi agar memudahkan untuk proces maintenance dan upgradation sebuah piping yang berada di suatu plant.

Ada beberapa point yang mendasari perencanaan sebuah Pipeline di suatu lokasi, diantaranya :

1. Supply and Demand
2. Code dan Standard
3. Jarak dan Lokasi
4. Kapasitas dan Load Factor
5. Flow Equation
6. Material yang digunakan
7. System Compressi apakah diperlukan (gas pipeline)
8. Lokasinya dimana, apakah di Onshore (Darat) atau di Offshore (Laut)
9. Hydraulic dan sizing dari pipeline
10.Route, topography, and access
11. Crossing
12. Fluid Properties
13. Design Condition
14. Environment: Social, Hydrological, Seismic and Volcanic impacts
15. ROW

Item-item diatas adalah yang pernah saya peroleh pada saat saya mengikuti training Pipeline Design di salah satu lembaga training di Indonesia.

Tapi berdasarkan pengalaman saya mendesign sebuah pipeline, kalau tugas saya sebagai piping engineer merangkap pipeline engineer hanya berkisar diantaranya.
1. Mengukur jarak berapa kilometer pipa yang akan digunakan dari suatu tempat ke tempat lainnya.
2. Memastikan berapa road crossing yang dilewati dan juga memastikan apa-apa saja yang dbakal dilewati oleh pipeline, baik itu hanya jalan, rumah, lahan perkebunan, warung dan lain-lain, semua di data. Tapi biasanya road crossing berhubungan dengan jalan.
3. Mengecek ke Standard ASME B31.8 untuk perencanaan pipeline gas dan ASME B31..4 untuk perencanaan pipeline fluida.
4. Mengecek ke Piping Specification yang dimiliki oleh Client untuk material pipeline yang digunakan.
5. Mencari titik (point) yang terendah atau lokasi topography yang paling rendah untuk pemasangan drain. dan mencari point yang paling tinggi untuk pemasangan vent.
6. Menghitung stress pada pipeline dengan menggunakan pipe stress software atau dengan manual calculation untuk rigid piping. karena posisi pipeline kebanyakan di dalam tanah jadi nggak perlu khawatir terhadap stress pada piping. Kalau menggunakan software biasanya pakai Caesar II atau OFFPIPE. ataupun software yang capable di bidang pipeline stress.

Gambar dibawah ini saya ambil di Australian National Musium yang ada di Canberra.  Kita bisa lihat cerita pada photo tersebut dan itu terjadi akbiat dari gempa.

 Jadi bisa dibayangkan bagaimana sebuah pipeline kalau mengalami stress atau istilahnya wrench. Tebal pipa ini sebenarnya sekitar 8 mm tapi ntar saya coba check ulang ke sana lagi berapa pastinya. Dan kita akan coba bahas secara terpisah kembali mengenai pipa ini kenapa menjadi begini..Ini adalah pipa gas.

Sebenarnya masih banyak yang pengen saya tahu di pipeline tapi ilmu pipeline masih sebatas memandang saja dengan apa yang saya uraikan diatas. Tapi nanti kita akan coba bahas sama-sama mengenai  perencanaan sebuah pipeline secara bertahap berdasarkan point-point yang saya sebutkan di paling atas.  

Canberra, 16 December 2012.


Saya iseng-iseng search di Mbah Google untuk mencari apa-apa saja yang diperlukan untuk menjadi seorang pipeline engineer yach berhubung saya masih bingung apa sich sebenarnya requrement seorang pipeline engineer yang di butuhkan di Australia.

Akhirnya saya nemuin sebuah website yang judulnya : Karena ini saya pikir sangat menarik makanya saya share di blog ini dan mudah-mudahan awal pencerahan yang baik buat kita semua.

by an eHow Contributor

Pipeline engineers help develop massive lines of gas and oil pipes to help fuel entire communities. These engineers have to bring an interdisciplinary approach to their work, because it involves engineering, construction and civil planning. Your journey toward a pipeline engineering position requires patience and a desire for comprehensive knowledge.

 1. Seek a bachelor's degree in engineering to begin your career as a pipeline engineer. This degree parh will take 4 years and will help you become proficient in the design, budgeting and implementation of pipeline project

2. Gain familiarity with the predominant design software used by engineering firms for pipeline design. Your university and your first employer provide you with basic software. But you should seek proficiency in alternative software in to review trade publications that offer demo links.

3. Open yourself up to new opportunities in pipeline engineering by staying flexible about work-related travel. Pipeline engineers must head out to job sites on a regular basis to assess progress of pipe fitting and structural construction around those pipes. You should become comfortable with traveling at least 25 percent of your early career to stay competitive.

4.  Obtain employment with a construction company during your summer breaks from college. Several months of work on a commercial construction site will show you the hard work and diligence that is used with every engineering project.

5.  Work with your academic adviser to land an internship with a local engineering firm during your final year of school. A pipeline engineering internship allows you to see all stages of creating a pipeline while you are still learning basic engineering principles. These positions also offer a good reference and a potential employer after graduation.

6.  Start a habit of meeting with laborers and foremen on your pipeline projects. These meetings allow you to gauge construction issues with a pipeline and evaluate the construction site in person.

7.  Compile a list of contractors and regional companies as you become a pipeline engineer. The contacts you establish early in your career can be utilized to save money and create a quality pipeline for future employers.

Read more: How to Become a Pipeline Engineer |

Gimana sudah ada gambaran untuk menjadi seorang Pipeline Engineer????